You are here: Home » The Marketing Diary » July Archive July And Responses Start Coming In ... When the responses start coming in you see that it does take some patience ...
You send out the first mailing. You wait. You convince yourself not to look at the sales results just yet ... some more time passes ... you look ...
A 'decoy' blog and web site try to generate buzz for an upcoming X-Box game. It seems they are succeeding. But are they treating prospects with respect?
Pushing Politics to Employees Using E-mail A political organization learns how to use e-mail marketing (in combination with credible endorsements) as a powerful marketing tool. Thinking further, does this in any way compromise democracy?
Our first split-test shows interesting results: not much difference between the 4 different test sites. Why?
E-mail Still Works ... Or Does It? The first results from the Enlightened Salesperson marketing campaign are just in, and it seems e-mail marketing still works. On the other hand, more and more people are starting to think e-mail doesn't have much more life ...
'Marketing Experience' from Mallorca, Spain I just returned from my vacation in Mallorca on Saturday. Although it was mostly great, they do have alot to learn about marketing. Take a look at some nasty marketing mistakes companies are doing in Europe ...
Time for a vacation. I'm leaving this Friday ...
Enlightened Salesperson Launch Time! It took us some time (actually about two years), but our Enlightened Salesperson project is finally coming closer to public launch. We just started marketing it to our existing marketing partners today. Why should this matter to you? Because we'll keep you posted on what we're doing, how and with what success!
Using the Internet for Something Good ... and You Can Help as Well When the Internet becomes a place you can actually help someone get a break ... and this time you can help as well.
'Blended' and Guerrilla Marketing Seth Godin gets quoted quite alot on the web, especially in various blogs, but he really hit the nail on the coffin with this one.
The Connected Society: What Does The Future Hold? Google just managed to create a web application that runs just as well as desktop applications. This bares more importance than we can possibly imagine. Just think of a future without regular paper, it's replaced by digital paper that we use to read interactive and dynamic newspapers, browse the 'web' (actually, just browse, since the 'web' is omnipresent), use to write notes, read books and even communicate with others.
![]() Read about real-life marketing and project management experience, views and results. Follow our projects and see what worked and what didn't and especially what you can learn from our mistakes and successes. Edited by Rok Hrastnik Unleash the Marketing & Publishing Power of RSS The e-book that is defining RSS marketing.