You are here: Home » The Marketing Diary » September Archive September Shawn Collins on RSS: RSS & Blogs and Affiliate Marketing Shawn Collins shares his insights on using RSS and blogs as an affiliate marketing tool ...
My 'Finance' Balance Sheet: The E-book Business [part #3] How we launched an e-book publishing business that brought in more than 20% of our internet business revenues ...
Alex Williams on RSS: RSS and E-mail Alex Williams shares his thoughts on how e-mail and RSS can work together ...
Paul Chaney on RSS: RSS Will Replace E-mail Paul Chaney shares why he believes RSS is the future and lists the major problems that he believes will cause the demise of e-mail ...
SalesBrain ... The Next Big Thing in Sales? Is SalesBrain really 'the next big think in sales'?
My 'Finance' Balance Sheet: Profitability and Advanced Ad Formats [part #2] How we became one of the most profitable EU news media internet departments and how that is actually hurting our long term development. Also find out what new ad formats we launched and how well they are performing, complete with real examples.
Lawyers and Sharks #3: We Finally Went to Print:) Yes, we finally went to print today ... about time. Check out the actual book cover ... and see how it lost the excitement.
My Personal Business Daily Finance Balance Sheet: What We Achieved and How [part #1] It's time to take a look at my personal balance sheet of the time spent at Finance, especially what we achieved and how. Find out how we reached the #1 spot among top internet ad properties ...
Crt Jakhel on RSS: The Different View From the interview: 'It is, however, questionable whether the end users feel the same pressing need to move away from email as do the people who actually send email as their main way of doing business. I would say that there is some danger of RSS 'overheating', of collapsing under the weight of misplaced / misdirected expectations.'
Lawyers and Sharks #2: The Final Version [Updated] How we actually succeeded in making a law book look exciting, although still (appropriately?) conservative. Includes cover shots ...
Everything Starts and Ends With People It doesn't matter how perfect your plan is. You can count on the fact that something will go wrong always when there are people involved, as I learned once again, this time on the Law and Marketing Communications publishing project.
First Day of the Enlightened Salesperson Contest and Evaluating Possible Mistakes How is the marketing partnership doing on its first day? The results aren't too thrilling, but it's still much too early to tell. Let's take a look at some of the things that could have gone wrong ...
The Secret is Out and Robin Good on RSS I guess the 'secret' is out and now the world knows ... Robin Good, the new media expert, gives his views on marketing and business uses of RSS ...
Slovenian Political Parties Jump the Internet Marketing Train The leading Slovenian political party finally started doing it right on the internet. Well, it's election year, so that was to be expected. But I'm still surprised at how well they're actually using the internet ...
New ES Split-Tests and Partnership Contest We're just launching a new Enlightened Salesperson campaign for our marketing partners --- see how we plan to increase marketing partnership activities, and also how we further improved the sales web site.
How I tried making a book on law exciting ... you can decide whether I succeeded or not by yourself (and don't forget to check the book cover at the end of the post) ...
Crucial Research: What People See When Using News Websites A must-read new research study on how people use (better said: view) news web sites ...
--> have hosted a long and aggressive debate on RSS and personal issues for these past few days. Find out more ...
Hard data on our e-zine delivery stats, more precisely from the second e-zine issue sent ...
The Enlightened Salesperson Price Test Results The price split-test gives shocking results ...
Joe Vitale Launches a New E-book on RSS Joe Vitale just released a new e-book on marketing with blogs and RSS, for internet marketers ...
Integrated E-book Marketing Strategies: The Finance Case A short 'case study' on how we created the first Slovenian e-book bestseller, outselling even 'normal' print books ...
The Enlightened Salesperson ChangeThis Manifesto The Enlightened Salesperson manifesto proposal just got accepted. Thanks to everyone that made this possible ...
The John Botscharow Interview #16: The Final Part We conclude the interview with some final advice from John, not strictly related to RSS publishing ... and some more convincing about Q:)
The John Botscharow Interview #15: Channel Advertising John talks about channel advertising ... no statistically significant hard-data yet ...
The John Botscharow Interview #14: Dropping E-mail The step-by-step of quiting e-mail ...
We're closing down most of the comment features throughout due to an increasing comment spam problem. But no worries, the Marketing Diary comments will continue to work ...
Read about real-life marketing and project management experience, views and results. Follow our projects and see what worked and what didn't and especially what you can learn from our mistakes and successes. Edited by Rok Hrastnik Unleash the Marketing & Publishing Power of RSS The e-book that is defining RSS marketing.