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'Blended' and Guerrilla Marketing

Seth Godin gets quoted quite alot on the web, especially in various blogs, but he really hit the nail on the coffin with this one.

He argues how the marketing world is changing, and especially how there really is no more way of telling "who's real" ... because even the largest companies and the most reputable providers are today using the "marketing approaches" that were once reserved for the small and agressive.

Personally, I think that the Guerrilla Marketing philosophy is finally getting through even to the most up-tight, because we all need to do what works best, regardless of our "traditional" marketing education.

It's not that "they are finally catching on", but simply a sign of the times and of the changes. They (we) are adapting, constantly.

On top of other things I run the Internet department of the prime Slovenian Business Daily Newspaper. Actually, I recently found out that my department is among the top in the EU when it comes to profitability among internet departments of EU print media.

The funny thing is, we didn't achieve that using any "traditional" methods (or god forbid advertising:) ...

And the other funny thing is that most of the other top newcomers aren't either ... they're good, they're the top of their class ... and they're doing it using mostly Guerrila tactics.

Yes, the marketing world is changing ...

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